To learn how to add fractions, you first need to find out the lowest common divisor. In general, it's 60, but for those fractions you need to multiply the denominators and numerators by the desired number in order to get the desired answer.

how to add fractions

For this example, multiply 5 x 12 (both numerators and denominators) by 60 to get the answer. In general, it would be about 4 (rounded down).

The next step in learning how to add fractions is to understand the addition method itself. You don't actually do the work yourself, but instead the work is done for you. As you're doing the work, you will be using your fingers and a calculator, so you should have no problem at all with this.

Now that you know how to add the fraction, you can multiply it by a fraction. It's important to remember that if you want the answer to be exact, then you will need to multiply the numerators and denominators by the same amount. This is easy to do. Just make sure that you double both sides of your multiplication.

Once you have your answer, check the answer against the calculator to make sure that everything fits. If you don't want to look at the calculator, you can just use your finger. That way you can keep your hands on the calculator itself so that you can check everything.

Before you get too far ahead, make sure that you have memorized all the information that you need to know. Memorization is important when you are learning a new subject, so make sure that you have plenty of practice so that you can do this effectively.

There are some ways to get the right kind of help. Check out the internet, where there are many sites dedicated to helping people learn how to add fractions. You may also check with your teacher or maybe even an older student that can give you some advice. However, you can also just take the time to read as many books about it as you can and get as much information that you can.

As you gain more experience, you will become more familiar with the addition method, and you will soon find that you are able to do the addition method in your head. and do it faster and better.

You may find that you are very quick at figuring out how to add fractions. If so, congratulations! This is a great skill to have, especially if you happen to be in a school where you need to use the skills to excel in your classroom.

Remember that when you are using the fractions, you are working with real numbers. So make sure that you are not being dishonest with the math.

You are not cheating the students out of fractions, because they will never know that you are not telling them the whole number part. Of course, they may notice that you are being deceptive in the other areas of your lesson, but they will never know that you are cheating at the fraction.

When you are trying to learn how to add fractions, try to practice a lot. Try to take breaks between your lessons, and try to work at your multiplication and division techniques at the same time, so that you can get used to it better.

After you feel confident enough to try your hand at adding and multiplying and dividing with your fingers, then go ahead and try using your calculator. That way, you will be able to keep track of your answers easier, and will know how to multiply and divide faster.

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