When you hear someone talk about how to get rid of fruit flies, what comes to mind is usually a term that is related to vinegar, baking soda, or the use of insecticide sprays. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case. While you can use chemicals and insecticides, there are other methods that can get rid of fruit flies without any of these chemical agents.
how to get rid of fruit flies
Fruit flies are often attracted to rotting fruits and vegetables that are inside your home. So the first thing that you need to do when you notice little black critters flying around your house?
Make sure that you have seen a common name for fruit flies, such as the brown recluse or the common carpet bug. If you are dealing with the latter, then the first step that you need to take is to get rid of all the fruits and veggies that you want to get rid of. And since these pests are commonly found in fruits, it is best to remove those from your garden as well. But do not just throw away those because you cannot identify the insect that you have on your hand. Instead, simply use a tape to label the fruits and veggies that you have got rid of.
Once you have done that, you can now take measures on how to get rid of fruit flies with the help of vinegar. You can use a half cup of white vinegar mixed with one pint of water.
Once you have made this mixture, you need to wait until the night before you plan to use it. This time period is very important for your safety because a lot of people are careless and do not put it off. For starters, they forget that vinegar is a strong cleaning agent. In addition, they fail to realize that the vinegar in its original form will cause severe burning if exposed to air. Thus, you must only pour a cup or two of vinegar into a container with some newspapers.
While you might think that you can just pour the vinegar on your fruits, this is wrong because it is better for you to know how to get rid of fruit flies by using the vinegar in a more effective way. The best way to do this is to squeeze the pulp out of the fruit or vegetables that you have on your hand. to extract the juice. The juice then needs to be added into the vinegar. This can be done three times a day and over a couple weeks the vinegar should be used until you see the results that you were expecting.
Another method that you can use when you are learning how to get rid of fruit flies is to use baking soda. You need to mix one teaspoon of baking soda and half cup of water to create a paste that will be applied to your infected areas.
As you might know, one of the ways that you can get rid of fruit flies without using any chemicals is to apply the vinegar and baking soda to the infected areas and leave them for about twenty-four hours. After that, you need to repeat the process every week until you see the results that you were expecting. Remember that you have to repeat this procedure as often as possible until you see a significant change in the levels of fruit flies that are present in your house.
One thing that you also need to know when learning how to get rid of fruit flies is that they will only spread when there is food available. They are not attracted to vinegar and baking soda. Therefore, you need to ensure that you regularly mop your floors and remove food particles from them to prevent them from spreading. Also, ensure that you have clean drinking water and clean dishes for feeding them and keep an eye on your children who are playing near the infected areas because they are the ones who will spread the disease.
Another aspect that you need to know about when learning how to get rid of fruit flies is that their presence does not necessarily mean that they are contaminated. You might think that they are but there are chances that they might have been infected before they got to you.
When learning how to get rid of fruit flies, you have to remember that they may be eating the food that you have on your house because it would not make any sense if they are not because the insects will not be attracted to food that is already dead. Also, they could be eating food that has been spoiled because food that has spoiled will not have any nutrients to them.
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